Tuesday 24 July 2012

A mother understands what a child does not say

Whatever I am today, whatever I have achieved...I owe to my mom She has taught me well.
My mom was not the typical mom who would wake up very early in the morning to prepare breakfast for us. 
No. Mom was more than that. She was the working-mom-kind-of-mother ( accountant by profession) who works 8 hours a day, then comes home and faces the household chores. But she's cool. After dinner, she would always catch her favorite TV programs/series 
I remember telling her about the guys I meet and the guys that interests me? I will never get a spanking for that. As a matter of fact, she appreciates my honestly and openness and would always remind me to stay on the safe and clean side. She was diplomatic enough to push back on things that might lead to wrong decisions and makes me understand when she wants to drive home a point.
She will not say "NO" right to your face when asked about her opinion on a certain guy, but she will always tell you to think about things first, and not be swayed by emotions alone. The mind has always to take a big part of every decision that I make, and up to now, I still value and follow this advise.
everything that my mom has taught me is still fresh inside of me.
The people that I talk to would sometimes ask me where I get such wisdom. With pride and much sweet remembrance, I tell them its coming right from the heart of my earthly mentor and hero, none other than my mom.
without a mother guiding you as you go through life, my paths would have been different. I will not deny it, there were times when I'd listen to my mom and do the exact opposite. I tell you, I have learned my lessons ever since.
I have always enjoyed talking with her because there were always new things and revelations that I will learn from her. Learning never stops when I am with mom. She was the best, if not the bestest.
I can only thank God for my mom because without her, I would not have been brought out into this world and enjoy the life I now enjoy..
 I realized that while she watched me play and grow, her BEST YEARS SLIPPED AWAY. It was out of pure love and selflessness and sacrifice. I love you Ibu Lily. You are the best. You will always be

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